Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tan Renga Challenge HG's "only emptiness"

Carpe Diem Tan Renga Challenge #76 Hamish Gunn's "only emptiness"


in the space between the trees
only emptiness
without emptiness no forest                      (HG)

with only emptiness
I search the space to find you

in the space between the trees
only emptiness
without emptiness no forest                      (HG)

in your mind’s empty spaces
no more room for you and me

in the space between the trees
only emptiness
without emptiness no forest                      (HG)

in the empty spaces
I’m sure you still climb trees

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Haiku -Early Morning

early morning
birds in my sanctuary
lifting prayers

April at the Close of Day

April at the Close of Day

As the sunsets the air begins to cool
the warmth of the first spring breeze
fresh on our minds.
The tulips reclose their petals
to dream of a sunny tomorrow.
The sky, with ever darkening
hues of blue becomes a backdrop for
two spring geese, wings spread wide,
searching for a place to settle for the night.
In the fading light the soft colors
of the redbuds and dogwoods
are still visible and the tender new leaves
of the maple quiver in anticipation.
Spring peepers have begun
their nightly chorus as a few stars
come out to dazzle the sky.

The still of Morning

The Still of Morning

In the still of the morning
raindrops dance upon the roof.
Soft snores rise from the bedrooms,
floorboards creaking softly

as I make my rounds.
It is a beautiful time of the day
when the cares of the world
have not stirred, and all is content.
A time when thoughts churn
disturbed only by the rumblings
of a noisy vehicle.

Upon this Cross

For the joy set before him [Jesus] endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
  • Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
Upon this Cross

Once upon the cross
Jesus bore it all.
For our sins he suffered,
for all our sins
He paid a price
steeped in blood.
He face humiliation,
abandonment and rejection
because of his great love.
He paid the ultimate price
for us and everyone of us
to receive ever lasting joy.
A joy that goes
beyond the relief of pain,
brings gladness
and washes away the shame.
He suffered
every kind of pain
to restore our joy,
so each of us
could hold on
for hope and assurance
of a better tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2015